Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sociology #1

Today in sociology I watched a video that taught the importance of sociological mindfulness.  This basically means putting yourself in someone else's shoes to see things from their perspective.  In this video a man talked about an Iraqi's view on the war versus an American's.  They are actually fairly similar when you truly put yourself in their shoes.  Both parties have good intentions and want what is best for their families.
Unfortunately very few people take the time to see things from others perspective and even when they do they care so little about another's life nothing changes.  The world is full of self-absorbed, egotistical, sadistic, morons who shoe absolutely no regard for human life.  Some still live by the believe that it is survival of the fittest, which I can understand to a point, but somewhere a line must be drawn and sociological mindfulness needs to implemented into our everyday life.
In my life I can count several instances where sociological mindfulness benefited me, for instance.  Once when I was 13 my cousin borrowed my dirt bike without permission and wrecked it.  I was absolutely livid, I somehow managed to see things from his perspective when he explained to me his intentions.  Granted I was still mad, but not nearly as much after hearing things from his point.
Sociological mindfulness and patience both play a huge part in everyday life, and hopefully I see myself fitting into the world as a normal, functional member of society.

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