Monday, October 12, 2015

Sociology LoF

Ever wondered in the event of being left to your own devices without any outside influence what would happen?  Would you change your personality to survive? Or would you truly become another person. In Lord of the flies a group of children are stranded on an island and quickly turn into 10 year old savages.  This isn’t all just fiction and bs, every human being has a compelling desire to act out and do as they wish, and it is simply human nature to act like a savage.  In the event of chaos and laws are no longer being enforced people will begin to steal the for sake of survival, then someone has something the other needs so one is killed for resources, then boredom strikes so people pillage, raid, burn buildings just because they have the urge.  Human beings are controlled savages, we are taught from a young age what is acceptable and what is not but my biggest question is who the hell decides?  Who gave them the right to decide what the rest of the human race “Should” do?  Civilized behavior and being a savage is based solely off of societal norms, if this is was what your culture believed it would be an everyday thing, someone would get their head chopped off and you wouldn’t even bat an eyelash. Why, because that would be the norm. The only reason people don’t act like this now is to avoid persecution from the “enforcers” that NO ONE seemed to agree to them being there.  No outside influence and savage tendencies would definitely set survival of the fittest back into motion.  Without laws the weak would quickly be eliminated by disease, and by those who have a stronger will to live, and that is the only reason chaos and savagery aren’t just called the norm.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting...the first thing I thought of is race riots when I started reading this. But I do agree that humans are adaptable and they would resort to savagery. That is most likely what would happen if the norms or society itself would break down.
