Monday, November 9, 2015

Racism 1000 words



                Throughout history racism has always played part in determining who will be at the top and who will be at the bottom.  This “food chain” was obviously passed on making people wonder; is racism a learned behavior or is it a western idea?  It is believed racism is a learned behavior, I challenge that. Every person in the world hopes to succeed; they hope to do better than someone; which leads to wanting to be better than someone.  Of course this develops into a full-fledged mentality that convinces you that you are truly better than someone else.  Even the least racist people want to succeed and when they don’t reach the goal they hoped for they blame, and hate, and resent whoever is standing in their way when all the smoke clears.  Sometimes it is a majority whom you are angry with, and sometimes it’s the minority which always leads to racism and racial strain. 

                Is racism a western idea?  Are you ignorant or just plain stupid?  In ancient Rome people of the same ethnicity were enslaved, along with blacks, Mexicans, Asians, they didn’t care if you were pink, green, purple, or yellow.  Yes, America did enslave blacks, but there is reasoning behind it, and it’s very simple, the Irish were too stubborn, the Asians were too small, and the blacks were workhorses.  The blacks had better stamina, muscle tone, and heat adaptability, and were the obvious choice for working in a cotton field all day.  It wasn’t because of their color it was because of their use.  However, tomato, tomatoe, ketchup, whatever, it was still wrong.  The west however was the first culture to put a name on the prejudice of minorities.  What causes it you are probably wondering?  Fear, people fear the unknown, just as they fear what is out of their control.  Imagine walking down the street and seeing a purple, elf looking thing, you would be a little scared, shocked, and very judgmental.  It was no different in the beginning of racism.  A white society who has never seen a colored individual before is going to behave like children and that is exactly what they did.  But is it honestly racism or it just a copout word?  I hate white people and I’m white and that is alright, but if I hate black people or Mexicans it is racist.  Can you not hate everyone equally?  Why does it always have to be a race hate accusation?  If I hate one black because he has given me reason and don’t mind blacks as a whole is that still racism?

                Of course there are those who like to live in the past, saying things like “My great granddads brother-uncle hated the blacks.  It’s in my blood to hate them too.”  No….You are just a moron.   Just like the whites there are many blacks who like to think we owe them something.  Yes, it was wrong, yes we are sorry, here is an apology and a handshake.  We aren’t going to build you a golden statue.  Don’t like our truce?  Then leave.  Just because someone came to their senses and decided it was wrong doesn’t mean we owe you material items, how about a friendship with other races.

                Racism has to be some sort of a learned behavior, people are not born into being racists, they are raised to hate a specific group with no knowledge of why.  This is where the belief that is it a western belief.  Americans saw someone of different color and judged them because of it, and from there their children saw this behavior and mimicked it, and so on and so forth.  Today’s generation is attempting to break the cycle, being as acceptable and racially diverse as possible.  Every country in the world has used people of different ethnicity and even similar to accomplish difficult tasks that were too much to finish by their selves.  Increasing intelligence has made great contributions in racial awareness to every group not necessarily just blacks but to people of different sexualities and religions as well.  Claiming racism is a western idea is completely ridiculous, how many new groups have came into existence in the past 20 years?  Homosexuals are accepted, Satanists are accepted and political activists are accepted.  America is a very accepting culture and to put a label on the country as a whole saying everyone, rather than a small group, is racist.

                Believe it or not racism is still going on today just in a different form.  We are all slaves, we all do as we are told for the betterment of this entire country.  The government is the “Master” and we are the “Slaves” if you don’t think so just stop paying your taxes.  The government will reclaim your land which you paid for, take your house which you paid for, they will take everything you own because we are the grunts and they are the boss and they will do as they please.  You work every day for money you have to use to work more, you must buy food, gas, clothing, housing, and transportation, which all goes back to the government so they can give it back to you to temporarily use THEIR assistance.

                To make the previous statement even worse the school system is laid out to be a preparation for the workforce, an 8 hour day with 3 breaks, an authoritarian system, a punishment system, and a designated area you must be.  This represents the real world, work, jail, and police.  Your classes are your job, the principal’s office is the jail, and the teachers are the police.  It is structured this way to teach conformity and a strong drive to work.  After your 13 years of attending school you will receive a diploma (retirement) similar to what will happen when you are finished with your work career.  You may be wondering how exactly this ties in with racism, well ponder on it for a moment.  You are forced to go to school, you are forced to abide by the rules, and you are forced to pass every class.  Racism isn’t just a western idea; we are all slaves we just don’t know it yet.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree with the "competition"-survival of the fittest concept. Also there will always be those who use others as scapegoats- sometimes it's individuals but other times it may be races as a whole. I would say "America is a very tolerant country." I could say tolerance may be the end of America some day but then I would probably get labeled racist, sexist, prejudice, etc.
