Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day

Should there be murder charges in a war?  Should you eat clay bricks?  See the connection?  Both of these are absolutely ridiculous questions and the answer is no.  Murder charges in a war scenario are completely ridiculous; if you don’t want civilian casualties then don’t wage war.  Unfortunately soldiers are paid to kill, so now we are going to get upset because they are doing their job to well?  “Okay guys, here is how it’s going to work; the Taliban is going to be wearing skirts and sombreros and you all will be wearing nothing but cowboy boots and a smile so there is no mistaking who is who. “  If it worked out like that I could understand why there would be murder charges in war, but it isn’t fairy land, things don’t work that way.  When a soldier is clearing a building and some jihadi runs at him with a rolled up newspaper do you honestly think he is going to take the time to see what the man who is advancing towards him has?  No, there is simply not enough time, mistakes are made, but at the end of the day it is war and it is kill or be killed.  It is not a place for hugs, kisses, and rainbows; it is bloody, sad, and unforgiving.  To all of the peace and brown rice people out there who are imprisoning soldiers for doing their job, shove off.

It is said that “Citizenship is a duty, not a privilege” I am under the impression this was a thing when America was still a great, strong country.  Now, it is neither a privilege nor a duty, it is a chore.  Americans now are shameful when they tell people from other countries where they are from, and that is sad.  This country has fell apart, granted it’s not the worst and that is why people keep immigrating, but it is not even remotely close to what it used to be.  Immigrants always hear about what a fantastic country this is and were poorly informed, because they had the American fantasy 10 years before the country turned into a disaster.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Racism 1000 words



                Throughout history racism has always played part in determining who will be at the top and who will be at the bottom.  This “food chain” was obviously passed on making people wonder; is racism a learned behavior or is it a western idea?  It is believed racism is a learned behavior, I challenge that. Every person in the world hopes to succeed; they hope to do better than someone; which leads to wanting to be better than someone.  Of course this develops into a full-fledged mentality that convinces you that you are truly better than someone else.  Even the least racist people want to succeed and when they don’t reach the goal they hoped for they blame, and hate, and resent whoever is standing in their way when all the smoke clears.  Sometimes it is a majority whom you are angry with, and sometimes it’s the minority which always leads to racism and racial strain. 

                Is racism a western idea?  Are you ignorant or just plain stupid?  In ancient Rome people of the same ethnicity were enslaved, along with blacks, Mexicans, Asians, they didn’t care if you were pink, green, purple, or yellow.  Yes, America did enslave blacks, but there is reasoning behind it, and it’s very simple, the Irish were too stubborn, the Asians were too small, and the blacks were workhorses.  The blacks had better stamina, muscle tone, and heat adaptability, and were the obvious choice for working in a cotton field all day.  It wasn’t because of their color it was because of their use.  However, tomato, tomatoe, ketchup, whatever, it was still wrong.  The west however was the first culture to put a name on the prejudice of minorities.  What causes it you are probably wondering?  Fear, people fear the unknown, just as they fear what is out of their control.  Imagine walking down the street and seeing a purple, elf looking thing, you would be a little scared, shocked, and very judgmental.  It was no different in the beginning of racism.  A white society who has never seen a colored individual before is going to behave like children and that is exactly what they did.  But is it honestly racism or it just a copout word?  I hate white people and I’m white and that is alright, but if I hate black people or Mexicans it is racist.  Can you not hate everyone equally?  Why does it always have to be a race hate accusation?  If I hate one black because he has given me reason and don’t mind blacks as a whole is that still racism?

                Of course there are those who like to live in the past, saying things like “My great granddads brother-uncle hated the blacks.  It’s in my blood to hate them too.”  No….You are just a moron.   Just like the whites there are many blacks who like to think we owe them something.  Yes, it was wrong, yes we are sorry, here is an apology and a handshake.  We aren’t going to build you a golden statue.  Don’t like our truce?  Then leave.  Just because someone came to their senses and decided it was wrong doesn’t mean we owe you material items, how about a friendship with other races.

                Racism has to be some sort of a learned behavior, people are not born into being racists, they are raised to hate a specific group with no knowledge of why.  This is where the belief that is it a western belief.  Americans saw someone of different color and judged them because of it, and from there their children saw this behavior and mimicked it, and so on and so forth.  Today’s generation is attempting to break the cycle, being as acceptable and racially diverse as possible.  Every country in the world has used people of different ethnicity and even similar to accomplish difficult tasks that were too much to finish by their selves.  Increasing intelligence has made great contributions in racial awareness to every group not necessarily just blacks but to people of different sexualities and religions as well.  Claiming racism is a western idea is completely ridiculous, how many new groups have came into existence in the past 20 years?  Homosexuals are accepted, Satanists are accepted and political activists are accepted.  America is a very accepting culture and to put a label on the country as a whole saying everyone, rather than a small group, is racist.

                Believe it or not racism is still going on today just in a different form.  We are all slaves, we all do as we are told for the betterment of this entire country.  The government is the “Master” and we are the “Slaves” if you don’t think so just stop paying your taxes.  The government will reclaim your land which you paid for, take your house which you paid for, they will take everything you own because we are the grunts and they are the boss and they will do as they please.  You work every day for money you have to use to work more, you must buy food, gas, clothing, housing, and transportation, which all goes back to the government so they can give it back to you to temporarily use THEIR assistance.

                To make the previous statement even worse the school system is laid out to be a preparation for the workforce, an 8 hour day with 3 breaks, an authoritarian system, a punishment system, and a designated area you must be.  This represents the real world, work, jail, and police.  Your classes are your job, the principal’s office is the jail, and the teachers are the police.  It is structured this way to teach conformity and a strong drive to work.  After your 13 years of attending school you will receive a diploma (retirement) similar to what will happen when you are finished with your work career.  You may be wondering how exactly this ties in with racism, well ponder on it for a moment.  You are forced to go to school, you are forced to abide by the rules, and you are forced to pass every class.  Racism isn’t just a western idea; we are all slaves we just don’t know it yet.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Welfare chart

People are lazy
Some people honestly need it
Better life
Provides money for medicine
Won’t help
Clinton wanted to end welfare
Welfare means you don’t have to work
Not everyone uses it for alcohol/tobacco
Welfare doesn’t help children
It can improve life
Only democrats want welfare
Welfare had good intentions
You won’t live long
Welfare provides food
Won’t help income
Intended for people with financial problems

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Welfare Problems

Welfare programs have to be one of the worse ideas in American history.  So let me get this straight I am to pay taxes so the government can give it to lazy, useless individuals for their entire life?  Oh, I’d like to sign up for that.  SAID NO ONE EVER!  This shows just how ridiculous our government is, they say “To hell with” those people who really need help and bend over backwards for those who are not disabled at all they are just lazy.  Rigorous background checks, drug tests, and questionnaires should play a part in an individual receiving welfare.  Instead it is handed out like fudge bars at a Popsicle stand, money being traded for drugs, alcohol, and with no return to the government what-so-ever.  The welfare programs keep handing out money while the receivers keep being lazy bums mooching off of every hard working American, good thing for them we are gracious enough not to buck the government and burn Obama’s house down.  Honestly I wonder where these individuals would be without a monthly handout, dead?  In Prison?  Who cares; if you cannot contribute to making a society great than you have no right to be a part of it.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Sociology LoF

Ever wondered in the event of being left to your own devices without any outside influence what would happen?  Would you change your personality to survive? Or would you truly become another person. In Lord of the flies a group of children are stranded on an island and quickly turn into 10 year old savages.  This isn’t all just fiction and bs, every human being has a compelling desire to act out and do as they wish, and it is simply human nature to act like a savage.  In the event of chaos and laws are no longer being enforced people will begin to steal the for sake of survival, then someone has something the other needs so one is killed for resources, then boredom strikes so people pillage, raid, burn buildings just because they have the urge.  Human beings are controlled savages, we are taught from a young age what is acceptable and what is not but my biggest question is who the hell decides?  Who gave them the right to decide what the rest of the human race “Should” do?  Civilized behavior and being a savage is based solely off of societal norms, if this is was what your culture believed it would be an everyday thing, someone would get their head chopped off and you wouldn’t even bat an eyelash. Why, because that would be the norm. The only reason people don’t act like this now is to avoid persecution from the “enforcers” that NO ONE seemed to agree to them being there.  No outside influence and savage tendencies would definitely set survival of the fittest back into motion.  Without laws the weak would quickly be eliminated by disease, and by those who have a stronger will to live, and that is the only reason chaos and savagery aren’t just called the norm.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


I chose the 1st and the 2nd Amendments because in my belief are some of the most important.
The first amendment is the belief that you have a certain set of freedoms, speech, religion, press, etc. “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.”  Every United States Citizen has a certain set of god given rights, these rights cannot be infringed by the government without committing treason to ones own country.
This amendment basically gives an individual the right to express themselves in the way they choose without being discriminated against for it. 

                The Second Amendment and probably my personal favorite, gives an individual the right to bear arms and assemble a militia.  Assembling a militia can literally be used to overthrow a corrupt government similar to our own.  This amendment also gives individuals the right to own guns and display them openly being perfectly within the law. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Card Games..

At the start of todays class we played a card game, which seemed harmless, but to our surprise everyone received different rules and guidelines for said game.  This proved to be very stressful and was used to represent the struggles of interacting with those from another country, who's culture and beliefs are far different than that of our own.  This oddly enough gave an excellent representation of sociological difficulties and was actually very fun to take part in.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Bacha Bazi

I am not really sure how to say what needs to be said without sounding like a racist, but Saudi countries are incapable of surviving without outside interference.  Bacha Bazi is a perfect representation of this, we leave them alone for 5 minutes and they are having sexual relations with little boys and keeping them as sex slaves.  This culture is absolutely sick.  Rape, incest, human trafficking, and American soldiers are forced to turn a blind eye?  Every other country has their nose in America's business why can't we intervene when it is needed?  What needs to be lacking from an individual's morality to do the things listed?  A lack of understanding between right and wrong, or a flaw in genetic coding? Neither.  It is the acceptable aspects of day to day life in Saudi countries.  Everything goes, anything is acceptable, the only law I have ever heard of that is actually punishable is stealing. 
I think that country would make a nice harbor.. maybe a beach.  Anyway, American soldiers couldn't do anything to stop child molesters due to orders from "higher ups" (who deserve to be hanged for that.) Fire and Brimstone is the simplest way to correct such atrocities.  Severity is the answer.  Incest, Rape, Murder, cannibalism, child molestation, should never be tolerated and anyone caught doing these acts should be piled up in the street and burned like cord wood for all to see.  I'm sure it would only take a handful of wrong-doers to start to understand what the message was.
But I'm just an ignorant Hillbilly, what do I know right? "The world needs a reset button, fixing the atrocities, and vendetta's of man is just the start of retribution."

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Being an individualist is completely out of the question in our country you must conform or basically get out.  We are allowed to do what the government says we are.  By forcing society to conform the co-dependence turns into unity which is a lot easier to control than 2 billion people with different beliefs and mindsets.  Being "naturally individualist" is a learned behavior that is picked up from those who do not fear our government, they will not conform and they belief the unification of this country will be its downfall.  Dependence is exactly what the government wants, because you can't get rid of what you need.

Macro vs Micro

When we look at both micro and macro sociology, we can identify differences as well as similarities. Both of these fields are very important subject areas in Sociology. Also, they analyze the human behavior in the society in different angles. Both micro and macro-sociological theories can be applied to individual interactions. 
Macro sociology is more concerned with broad topics such as war, and gender equality as opposed to micro sociology which focuses on specific face to face interactions.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Ethics in Today's World

Do ethics still matter?  This question made me chuckle, the answer to this is NO.  In today's world people are so self absorbed, and egotistic that ethics are the last thing on their mind.  Morality despite popular believe, should play a big part in interaction because morality helps define people, breaking the codes of human complexity, showing their true colors even when they didn't mean for you to see.  To some individuals, who still have sense, and a shed of intelligence know the importance of ethics.  Unfortunately many could care less how their actions effect those around them, have no understanding of the harm their lies cause.  The question that needs to be asked is "Should Ethics Matter?"

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sociology #1

Today in sociology I watched a video that taught the importance of sociological mindfulness.  This basically means putting yourself in someone else's shoes to see things from their perspective.  In this video a man talked about an Iraqi's view on the war versus an American's.  They are actually fairly similar when you truly put yourself in their shoes.  Both parties have good intentions and want what is best for their families.
Unfortunately very few people take the time to see things from others perspective and even when they do they care so little about another's life nothing changes.  The world is full of self-absorbed, egotistical, sadistic, morons who shoe absolutely no regard for human life.  Some still live by the believe that it is survival of the fittest, which I can understand to a point, but somewhere a line must be drawn and sociological mindfulness needs to implemented into our everyday life.
In my life I can count several instances where sociological mindfulness benefited me, for instance.  Once when I was 13 my cousin borrowed my dirt bike without permission and wrecked it.  I was absolutely livid, I somehow managed to see things from his perspective when he explained to me his intentions.  Granted I was still mad, but not nearly as much after hearing things from his point.
Sociological mindfulness and patience both play a huge part in everyday life, and hopefully I see myself fitting into the world as a normal, functional member of society.